February 5, 2009

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We had our latest book club last weekend, and one of the books suggested for next time was The Hour I First Believed. Though we didn't pick it, Wally Lamb was highly recommended as an author. During my wander through the bookstore the other day, I picked up his second book I Know This Much is True. I was reading the book jacket and saw this in the description:

A contemporary retelling of an ancient Hindu myth: a proud king must confront his demons to achieve salvation. Change yourself, the myth instructs, and you will inhabit a renovated world...

I have mentioned before that I am working on small changes in my life this year. I haven't exactly had an epiphany - more like an awakening. It was significant though, and now I see the world through different eyes. However, the world hasn't changed just because I see it differently.

Now the real work begins.

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