May 15, 2010

Weeks in review

So, how's that running going anyway...

After the disastrous 16 miler three weeks ago, I have been trying to give myself a fresh start with my running, without taking too many steps backward. I've been able to get a run or two during the week, and have been sticking to the scheduled weekend long runs. Trying to avoid another melt down, on the longer runs I have been including walk breaks every mile, as well as getting out earlier in the morning before the temperatures start to rise. And it has actually been going reasonably well.

I managed a 12 miler the first week, and I was back to just feeling somewhat unprepared, instead of feeling like I was just starting out. The following week I ran a 17.5 miler, and the last couple of miles were pretty tough, but again there was no melt-down. It was Mother's Day and there were lots of runners out on the roads, most likely getting ready for the marathon just like I was. There were more runners with water belts, as well as a few with someone riding a bike alongside for support. It was an overcast day which was great for running, but kind of a bummer for all the picnics the families had planned for Mom. There were a bunch of tables set up in the parks with balloons, but no people. Hopefully the weather improved later in the afternoon.

Today, I went out for another 12 miler, even though I have probably traded the San Diego Marathon for a long weekend with friends. I know, it seems like a no-brainer - run 26 miles or sit on a boat in the sun for a weekend - but it was actually a tough decision. I hate to back out of a commitment, but in the end it seems silly to pass up on time with friends. For now I'm going to pretend I'm going to run the marathon so I keep getting my butt out the door and putting shoe to pavement. And for whatever reason, today's run went surprisingly well.

I ended up running in the afternoon because I was feeling like an old man this morning. Everything hurt, everything creaked. It was warm this afternoon, but there was a bit of wind which helped when I was running into it. It felt about 20 degrees hotter when I was going with the wind, so I was actually looking forward to a headwind. I ended up running at a much faster pace than what I've been averaging the past couple of months. I was feeling  pretty good about halfway through, and I decided to push the pace. I was pretty tapped out by the end, but it felt really good to be running like my old self, and not like the old man I felt like this morning.

As soon as I became a quitter, it suddenly got easier. I should put that on a T-shirt and sell it.

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