October 1, 2009

Lost and found

Another run in the rain tonight.

I was over at my parents this evening, so I had to figure out a route. I jumped on the Map My Run website and plotted out a 3.5 mile loop. I didn't write anything down (the ink would have run anyway), so I was going from memory. Turns out my memory isn't all that good.

I missed a turn which added a long out and back. Then I made another wrong turn on the way back in. So my planned 3.5 mile run turned into a 6.25 mile run - 'cause I'm good like that.

Around mile four I came up on three deer, two adults and a fawn. My eyes were down toward the road because of the rain, so I was almost on top of them before I saw them. I quickly veered to the other side of the road, hoping to avoid scaring them off. They settled down and went back to chewing on the trees just above their heads.

So I stood in the rain, staring at deer grazing. It was great.


  1. Sounds like you got lost for a reason.......what a great sight! Great run, I hope you remember the route for next time.

  2. THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! You KNOW what happens to me this time of year RIGHT? Man that kills me. I want to stand in the rain and watch deer family nibble trees in the great and beautiful NW , IN THE FALL. BLAAAAAA! ( snoopy cry ) I love it.
