August 24, 2007

The Happy Totals

I’ve tried to keep a good journal of my running and biking. I suppose I just want to have a historical record I can look back on. It also just doesn’t seem to count unless you can quantify it and throw it on a spreadsheet.

I’ve been able to look back at my mileage in the weeks before an injury. I can also keep track of how many miles I have on my shoes so I’m not running on dead soles. I’ve also been able to compare my heart rates during different training periods. I’m hoping to see how my training numbers effect my marathon times. It is also pretty cool to add it all up to see how far you’ve come. So here are the happy totals for 2007 so far:

Swimming – 11 miles

Biking – 1022 miles

Running – 426.5 miles

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