My buddy Ryan forwarded this on to me, very loosely based on my quest for 30 days of exercise last month.
This guy Sam is travelling around the country learning and playing 30 different sports in 30 days. He wakes up each day and unzips the duffel bag to find out what sport he will play that day. A few of them, like swimming, he knows already, but in that episode he had to swim two and a half miles across the Hudson River to the Statue of Liberty.
Others like speed skating and boxing, he first takes a quick lesson before being thrown into the ring. There are also some pretty obscure sports like Octopush (underwater hockey) and Sepak Takraw (basically hacky sack volleyball). The final episode, which I haven't seen yet, has him running a marathon.
It is sponsored by EAS, a manufacturer of sport's nutrition, so there is a short product placement in each episode. But it is interesting to watch this guy tackle all these different challenges on back to back days. Day 3 was rugby, and he dealt with bumps, bruises and back pain for much of the challenge. The episode is below.
You can find all the episodes here.