January 23, 2011

6 am, Carlsbad. Marathon starts in 3, 2, 1...

The two Seans are actually going to be running together this morning, and the other Sean (Hawkins) has a Run Keeper profile where you can (hopefully) track us if you like. You can find us at this link.

Once at Sean's page, click on the 'Races' tab on the top bar. Then click on the 'Carlsbad Marathon' link and that should take you to the map of the race. From what I understand, our picture (from the Vegas Marathon) will show up on the route map to show where we are. The button on the lower right on the map should enlarge the map to screen size, and you can zoom in and out with the buttons in the upper left. Hopefully this will work a little better than the text message thingys have in the past. 

We take off at 6:00am and if all goes well, should be done sometime before 10:00am. Should be a beautiful day.

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