June 19, 2010

Going home

So I am headed to Seattle for a little over a week. It is my first visit back home since the move to San Diego. The choice of week was pretty much a no-brainer with the U2 concert scheduled for tomorrow, and the Rock n Roll Half Marathon a week from today. Unfortunately, Bono has injured his back and the U2 concert has been postponed indefinitely. But the week will be full nontheless.

My froomies Matt and Holly have been through this many times. They have lived for extended periods of time in both Seattle and San Diego, and have developed many friendships in both locales. When visiting, they find it impossible to fit in visits with all the friends and family they'd like to see. My dancecard is already filling up, but I am hoping to have a little time just to relax and drink in some of scenes and scents of my Northwest home.

I hadn't thought about it previously, but when describing the move to San Diego, I've come to realize that I have never lived outside of a 20 mile radius of Seattle. I have been fortunate to travel quite a bit, but have never pulled up stakes to settle anywhere else. I have no idea how long I will be in San Diego, but Seattle will always be home.

I never count off the days to an approaching trip. I'm not sure why this is, but it doesn't become real to me until I hit the road or step on a plane. I am currently on the first leg of the flight home, and I can't wait to get there.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Man. I know just how you feel. Have a GREAT time Unca.
    I know you will.
