April 14, 2009

The weekend

This weekend was another round of running and biking training, and the weather wasn't nearly as nice this time around. The bike ride on Saturday was a 65 miler from Kenmore north to Snohomish and Monroe, and there was rain and a whole lot of wind. Most of the riders didn't have fenders on their bikes so riding behind someone meant riding in a watery rooster tail. I rode out of the slipstream both to avoid the spray and to get the extra workout of riding in the wind. Turns out I didn't need to make it any more difficult than it already was.

Sunday was another run with the local running store group. There was a brand new face in the group - Chris had just moved here from Texas a week ago. He stopped by the local running store and found a new running community. What a great way to get acquainted to a new town. We chatted a bit before losing our breath heading up the long climb into Woodway.

I ended up running with someone new. Bob and I started chatting about running and what we're training for. He mentioned that Sunday's weather was about what he could expect at his next marathon. Of course I asked where he was running next. Boston.

It turns out there are two people in the group that have qualified and are headed to Boston next week. The only reason I could keep up with Bob on Sunday is that he is dealing with some IT band issues that are giving him some knee pain. Since I have been dealing with the same issue, I told him all I knew. Even a Boston qualifier is still learning. As I am about an hour away from qualifying myself (or 28 years too young), listening in on Bob's descriptions are about as close as I am going to get at this point.

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