February 22, 2009

Chilly Hilly

A brief ride report - 33 miles, lots of hills, 2675 feet of climbing, a little over two hours.

This year was a little different. I actually knew three different groups of people who were going to do the ride. I ended up riding with Dave and Jay, and we had a great day. We woke up to rain and it was still drizzling when we got off the ferry, but the rain subsided and we were back to only dealing with the "chills" and the "hills".

Dave and Jay are both strong riders, so they challenged me to push my limits. We rode straight through without stopping at the rest or food stops. We had grabbed the first ferry and pushed the pace enough to finish before the last bikers even got started. We were done and enjoying the spoils of victory (a cold beer) before 11:00am. It felt good to push things a bit. I really want to become a stronger rider this year, and this first event of the year feels like a good start.


  1. Nicely done! I'm glad that you have found people that can help you to challenge yourself. Always a good thing.
