August 28, 2007

Author List

I am often drawn to people’s bookshelves. I find it interesting to see what other people are reading. I don’t know that it is a window into their psyche, but it’s interesting. Here are some of the authors you might find on my bookshelf:

Dean Koontz
Barbara Kingsolver
J.R.R. Tolkien
J.K. Rowling
Henry David Thoreau
John Steinbeck
James Patterson
Stephen King
Ken Follet
Tom Clancy
Phillip Margolin
Patricia Cornwall
Douglas Adams
Lee Child
Bill Bryson
and many more…

I’m always looking for new reads. I’d love to hear your favorites.


  1. Prodigal Summer -BK , is still one of my absolute favorite books, as per your recommendation. Sanks! I highly recommend any of Steve Martin's books, and have felt changed as a person by the writings of Brennan Manning ( The Raggamuffin Gospel ) and Madeleine L'Engle ( Walking on Water ).

  2. We have many of the same. Like John Berendt (Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil). I second Holly's selections. Michael Crichton too.
